Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Entangled, was the word I was looking for!
Entangled, in my thoughts.
Entangled, in my feelings.
Entangled, in my relationships.

It's December and yet, another year comes to an end. This time of the year, I would have loved to party with my friends and spend time with my family; to eat some yummy plum cakes or just go on a vacation. But, I find myself lost in some random thoughts of the year gone by.

It was an year of betrayals, of raw emotions, of indifference, of pain.

It was also an year where I rediscovered the support from close family and some not so close friends.
I accepted some new people in my life. Spent more time productively, working out, and practicing healthy and conscious eating. Saw more movies this year than any other year. Made a few good pictures and traveled reasonably well.

It was a potpourri of emotions. I witnessed extreme highs and lows in the same year. But as it draws to a close, I am entangled in my thoughts. And hence, this blog. I will blog about my random rants - about things, people, relations, places, food, anything, and everything that I want to express through writing.